Fitvidclub.com videos are taught by professional fitness instructors in a wide variety of specialties so you can find training to fit your specific needs or conditions.
- All Videos are at Least 30 Minutes Long
- Professional Fitness Instructors
- Diverse Workout Styles
- Basic and Advanced Workout Intensities
- Detailed Instruction on How to Do the Workouts
Take a Look at these Samples of All the Videos
You’ll be Able to Watch Whenever You Want!
Take a Look at these Samples of All the Videos You’ll be Able to Watch Whenever You Want!

Over $1000 Value in Videos as low as $4.95 per month with an annual subscription!
You’ll Get the Best Instruction These
Fitness Specialists Can Deliver.
You’ll Get the Best Instruction These Fitness Specialists Can Deliver.
The vast majority of fitness instructors that post free instructional videos online are only giving samples of what they teach
So, free posted videos are rarely complete and detailed workouts tailored for people with specific needs for exercise
Additionally, the instructors also usually DON’T include their very best techniques and fitness secrets
To be fair, it makes sense for them to hold back from giving away their very best content on free posted videos.

Free posted videos are promotional in nature. It’s like getting free samples at the food court in the mall.
It is an effective strategy. You try delicious nugget of bourbon chicken on a toothpick.
If it’s good you decide “what the heck?” Why not just buy my lunch here?
Free posted instructional fitness videos are mostly those “nuggets on toothpicks” designed to entice a certain percentage of viewers to decide to plunk down $30-$50 for the full videos.
With a FitVidClub.com membership there’s no need to buy individual videos and you don’t need to lose valuable time sifting through endless video thumbnails trying to find which ones might have valuable instruction that will really help you.
Our videos are handpicked and are all packed with the very best instruction that fitness instructor offers. That’s because we’ve paid those instructors to produce the videos at a rate that makes them want to give their best work.
Enjoy Constant Variety with Your Workouts
The truth is that even if a particular video instructor and the workout are great, if you just constantly keep doing the same workout it can become quite tiresome.
FitVidClub.com members are able to keep their workouts fresh and interesting because they can try new workouts anytime they want.
There’s another compelling reason to regularly vary the type of workouts that you do.
When you keep constantly doing the same exercise routine over and over again, your body develops a tolerance for those movements and stressors.

When this happens, you stop getting the same benefit from the workouts. And it becomes easy to give up.
According to experts at Bodybuilding.com
“Changing up your workout routine
every 4-6 weeks is essential to ensure
your body keeps adapting and improving.”
“Changing up your workout routine every 4-6 weeks is essential to ensure your body keeps adapting and improving.”
Here’s How Your FitVidClub.com
Membership Works…
Here’s How Your FitVidClub.com Membership Works…
Once you have your membership all you do is click onto the log in button at the top of the home page.
You sign in with your username and password.
Then, you will be sent to the FitVidClub.com streaming library club page.
From there you will see all of your choices of videos that you can just click on to start your video selection playing.
It’s so easy and simple.

Listen to what these happy members say

You Can Try FitVidClub.com with Absolutely No Risk

Once you sign up for your membership you can take a full 30 days to try out as many videos that you want. If for any reason you are unhappy with your membership, just simply email our customer service department and we’ll cancel your membership and give you a full refund.
With this guarantee there is absolutely no reason why you wouldn’t want to give FitVidClub.com a try.
"Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over
and over and expecting a different result."
"Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."
If you want get into better shape so you’re healthier and look and feel better then it’s time to act.
New Videos Added Regularly
Even with as big a library as we have, each calendar quarter we will add new videos, so that you will have access to the cutting edge latest and best fitness instruction available.
And with a constant flow of new videos, you’ll never get bored or tired of doing the same old thing.
Keeping fit not only helps you maintain your good health, but also makes you feel about yourself.
It’s important to take care of yourself as well as the other people you care about in your life
Lock in Your Membership Before the Price Goes Up.
Clearly, being able to access over a thousand dollars of top of the line fitness videos 24/7 for as little as $4.95 a month is an insanely great value.
To be honest, the accounting team has been hounding me to at least double if not triple the price to its real value.
But I want it to be such a good deal that it’s so cheap that anyone who wants to be healthy and stay in shape can afford it.
So, once you lock in your membership rate, you’re grandfathered in and you won’t get a raise in membership fees.
Grab your membership right now, while this amazing deal is still in place. All that I ask is that you drop us a line after you’ve been a member for a bit to let us know about your great results.
Yours in health,
Larry Berman
CEO FitVidClub.com
I know I’ve presented you with a great deal of information, so I’ve listed below some common questions we get from members.
All material herein is provided for information only and may not be construed as personal medical advice. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The publisher is not a licensed medical care provider. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practitioner/patient relationship with its readers. We are not responsible for the accuracy, reliability, effectiveness or correct use of information you receive through our product or for any health problems that may result from training programs, products, or events you learn about through the site. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. The FDA has not evaluated these statements. None of the information or products discussed on this site are intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate or cure any disease.
Pictures of any parties may be changed and professional models and actors may be used to protect privacy. Testimonial providers may be compensated.